PhishTank is operated by Cisco Talos Intelligence Group.

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ID URL Submitted by
8540980 buaya
8540977 buaya
8540976 buaya
8540974 buaya
8540973 https://nbgfdedfgvbjkhytyrtyjhbghfrtfgjhgfghjbgh.p... buaya
8540971 buaya
8540968 http://webmailserverautnethicationdomainhostingweb... buaya
8540966 http://ueioskamjsnhdu47839409587shurytabnmkfiuesj7... buaya
8540965 https://sepprationablecongratulationsdomains01.pag... buaya
8540964 buaya
8540963 buaya
8540962 http://normallegendryspecialdomainwindowmails3.pag... buaya
8540960 https://kkldhannnjfmcbzhbrh66hchsd8hsbtrthhwjajdct... buaya
8540959 http://kkldhannnjfmcbzhbrh66hchsd8hsbtrthhwjajdcti... buaya
8540958 https://ctdxrsezxrdtfyuyytfdrxsezxdrctfvygvfxdrsd.... buaya

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What is phishing?

Phishing is a fraudulent attempt, usually made through email, to steal your personal information.
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What is PhishTank?

PhishTank is a collaborative clearing house for data and information about phishing on the Internet. Also, PhishTank provides an open API for developers and researchers to integrate anti-phishing data into their applications at no charge.
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